Missouri driving records

Our flexible search functionality doesn’t only present a convenient and intuitive approach to using our services, it also means that you are far more likely to find exactly what you’re looking for. Updated daily and verified, our records precisely reflect those in the state database. Even if a field is missing in your report, it is because that’s the way it appears in the source.

Missouri vehicle reports

Flexibility is key in searching for vehicles, as they can be difficult to locate. Drivers' records are much more focused upon specific names versus nicknames. A driver's legal name has to be on a driver license, but vehicle registrations can have shortened versions of the name, as well as nicknames. The flexibility of searching when using MissouriMVR's tools will assist you in locating all available records pertinent to your search.

Proactive License Monitoring — Missouri

Our proprietary Missouri License Monitor Program allows our clients to upload an unlimited number of drivers, and our system will then monitor those drivers on a daily basis and flag the administrative client as to anything that has changed.

The program’s intuitive dashboard goes far beyond that of standard systems. Our clients can manage multiple departments or multiple lists of drivers and the License Monitor program will analyze, read and display the results for you.

Your dashboard indicates which drivers have CDL licenses, the driver license status of all drivers, medical certification details, and much more. Our system also sorts and displays the last two citations and actions of each driver, if applicable.

Records can be scheduled to be monitored on any basis needed: daily, weekly, monthly, by insurance policy renewal date, or as needed for government compliance.

We do understand that many of our clients outsource their applicant and/or employee screening. It is often nice to have everything handled by one outside vendor. However, the added surcharges to the Missouri driving record can be somewhat cost prohibitive. Driving records are very simple and very straightforward and can be ran independent of the rest of the employee screening process.

We offer multiple services to assist our users with the basic single search, simple batching and the proactive License Monitor Program on a scheduled basis. In the event some clients would like to continue utilizing their current vendor, we are happy to work with that employee screening vendor, on the end users behalf, to provide the best price for Missouri driving records.

Compliance, Safety & Accountability programs

MissouriMVR offers one of the most progressive batching and monitoring solutions available. Its ease of use is unmatched. Both driving and vehicle records can be batched as frequently as needed. Our License Monitor program allows clients to schedule automatic dates for records to be viewed and examined by our system for any relevant changes.

The Missouri License Monitor Program can be scheduled to monitor driving records daily, weekly, monthly or on any other schedule, as needed. This allows our clients to truly be proactive in reducing the risk.

If you're main goal is being compliant with MO DOT standards then you can either manually upload a batch or you can run your records individually through our convenient user interface.

Batching — Missouri Driving and Vehicle Records

MissouriMVR offers one of the most progressive batching systems available. Both driving and vehicle records can be batched as frequently as needed.

Bulk records processing

Our system can be accessed by book, by batch, by license monitor, or fully integrated into your own system via RESTful Web services, which produce JSON and XML output. Our IT department has developed a clear and concise methodology that is well documented and easy to implement. Our API integration and batch services, which can yield between 5 and 10,000 records within 10 seconds, will scale with your business and save you both time and money.

The majority of our data can be exported to Excel or CSV file formats, which will allow clients to integrate that information or upload it into their billing systems or case management systems.

Missouri auto accident data

The state of Missouri has a central repository for crash data and accident reports. This data is stored by the highway patrol, and MissouriMVR is one of the few companies that has full access to this information. We also have the majority of all auto accident information going back to the mid-1980s.

There are three reporting types in the state of Missouri - the highway patrol, the LETS agencies, which file the reports online, which means the reports get into our system in about five days, and then there are the more traditional agencies that mail in their reports. These mailing agencies are required by state law to submit their reports within 90 days, but that just is not something that always happens.

Auto accident rings - The additional search flexibility that we offer has allowed the National Insurance Crime Bureau and multiple insurance companies to find patterns and variations that can be relevant.

Missouri sex offender registry and DOC records

We offer full access to the Missouri sex offender registry, as well as access to probation and parole records within the state of Missouri.

Missouri Boat and marine records

We have the frequently updated boat, motor and marine vessel data that has the same flexibility in searching as the driver and vehicle records.

Temporary tags

Although not available online, we have access to running temporary tags. We can run dealer issued temporary tags straight to the dealership office. If it's a private individual, we can run straight to the Department of Revenue.

Missouri Automotive dealer records

We obtain all motor vehicle dealer information monthly. These records show the dealer tags, as well as the insurance for the dealer.

Nationwide people search

We have a solid national account for accessing new and updated contact information on individuals. The national people search includes addresses and possible phone numbers and possible known affiliates. We also have a national telephone research tool that can be accessed.

Nationwide vehicle reports

Vehicle accessibility is not standardized nationwide. Vehicles can be purchased through different sources and align 90% of the time, but there can be differences. Our system can help you reconcile these differences, as we have extensive access.

Nationwide driving records

We obtain 48 of the 50 states' driving records, integrate this information into our system and provide it to our clients.

Investigations — Nationwide

MissouriMVR welcomes email and other types of direct access for additional requests. We conduct locates, asset searches, skip tracing, and background checks at multiple different levels and multiple prices to fit your needs.

We also have a network of approved vendors that will allow us to successfully connect you with someone doing surveillance, phone searches, bank account searches, and more.

Nationwide Investigative Pricing

Standard Skip-Trace
Over 99% effective (5-7 days turnaround)
Basic and Standard Asset Check
$125 or $225
Two levels — Basic and standard. To include overall recovery potential, address and employment confirmation, likely banking affiliations and broad-based asset detailing.
Basic and Standard Background Checks
$125 or $225
Two levels — Basic and standard. Address verification, known associates and relatives, civil & criminal searches, basic asset & social networking
Asset Check (Bank Account Focus)
Includes all standard asset investigation with a no find no fee statewide bank account locate and verification
Detailed Full Asset Check (National)
Includes all standard asset investigation with a no find no fee national bank account locate and verification (investment accounts included in search)
Non-Pub Phone Number Search
*Often less (Depending on area of Country and carrier)
DMV (D/L, Plate, Vin, Name)
46 States – Over State repository fee. (State fees vary, normally between $5-$20)
Missouri License Monitor
Inquire for details
All other Investigations
T & E
Time and Expense @ $70.00 per hour. Includes all custom/detailed background and custom/detailed asset check searches.
Our services are unmatched, and we pride ourselves on accuracy and expediency.
Requests can be made directly by phone, email or via our web site.
❖ Price may vary depending on circumstance and timeframe, but generally the above is valid for the majority of all cases. Special volume pricing is also available, please contact us for details.